Request a COVID-19 Vaccine from VDH

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Find a COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic Near You and Request a Vaccine - (Solicite Vacuna) in Our Area

*Tras hacer clic en este enlace, puede cambiar al español seleccionando el botón “ES” en la esquina superior derecha de su pantalla.

You may also call 1-877-829-4682 to speak with someone who can help you.


More resources and information on COVID-19.

Haga clic aquí para más recursos e información sobre COVID-19.


The Central Shenandoah Health District (CSHD) has a form for essential employers to notify the Health Department of their workplace specifics and how many public facing staff they have that would need to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Online Form for Employers.


Covid-19 vaccine help