Public Works

Toter Trash Carts

The new Toter system utilizes a Toter trash cart that attaches to a tipper plate, attached to each of the City's sanitation trucks, to lift the 96- or 48-gallon Toter trash carts provided by Public Works for use at each of the serviced addresses.

Environmental Action Plan

The Environmental Action Plan (EAP) is a guide for city leaders, staff, and members of the community to implement sustainability visions and principles. To-date, the City of Harrisonburg has taken steps to address the quality and care of our natural resources; however, the latest science indicates that more ambitious actions are required to mitigate the impacts of environmental degradation and the changing climate that will affect our community’s health, economy, and well-being.

Spring Holiday

City offices will be closed Friday, March 29, 2024 in observance of Spring Holiday. Refuse for Friday, March 29 will be collected on Friday, March 29 as scheduled.
