Permit Directory - Residents
Permit directory for building permits and other permits information and applications found on the city website.
Permit directory for building permits and other permits information and applications found on the city website.
Need a building permit? Wondering what fees are associated with certain permits? Use this page for helpful resources for construction, land, and other development in the City.
Individuals interested in operating a business from their home may apply for a Home Occupation Permit.
The City allows downtown outdoor dining on public street right-of-way only through review and approval by City Council.
The City has a Public Tree Advisory Board that governs established policies and guidelines outlined in the Public Tree Ordinance for the planting, removal, and maintenance of trees within public street right-of-way, and when necessary other types of vegetation.
A fire suppression system permit is a type of building permit.
The CDBG program is a block grant given by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The program is authorized by the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 in place of several community development categorical grant programs. CDBG provides eligible metropolitan cities and urban counties (called "entitlement communities") with annual direct grants that they can use to revitalize neighborhoods, expand affordable housing and economic opportunities, and/or improve community facilities and services, principally to benefit low- and moderate-income persons.
Any structure intended for swimming, recreational bathing or wading that is over 150 square feet, exceed 5000 gallons, and contains water over 24 inches deep.
Storage tank regulations are contained within the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code. All permits, inspections, and enforcement procedures concerning these regulations are the responsibility of the Harrisonburg Fire Department.