HPD False Alarm Program

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Current Size: 80%

In an effort to reduce false alarms, the City of Harrisonburg has created a false alarm ordinance.

The goal is to reduce the number of false alarm activations requiring a response by the Harrisonburg Police Department, which will free up police resources and reduce the fines levied on alarm customers. Even the most responsible alarm owners will occasionally cause false alarm activations, approximately once every 18 months, and this ordinance has built-in provisions to ensure two free false alarm responses per registered customer during the permit year.

The City has contracted with PMAM Corporation to implement and administer the Alarm Program, and provide educational training for citizens. PMAM is a national company with expertise in this area, and will be responsible for alarm registration, false alarm billing features, and share in providing excellent customer service.

Specific questions about the program and to register your alarm, please follow this link: