East Market Street Stormwater Improvement Project

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Current Size: 80%

In 2015, the City of Harrisonburg was awarded a grant from the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VA DEQ)'s Stormwater Local Assistance Fund (SLAF) for the design and construction of regenerative stormwater conveyance and a dry swale along East Market Street.

Location Map

Project Location Map


Contributing Drainage Area

Project's Contributing Drainage Area


There are three (3) distinct retrofits planned within the center median of 3 sections of East Market Street. The design concepts include:

  1. A Dry Swale located in the median immediately west of the intersection with Chestnut Ridge Road;
  2. A Regenerative Stormwater Conveyance channel (RSC)  located in the median starting immediately west of the intersection of Evelyn Byrd Drive and extending approximately 570 linear feet; and
  3. A continuation of the RSC channel an additional 320 linear feet to the cross-over turn lane into the eastern entrance to the Kohl’s parking lot.

The proposed projects target 104 acres of highly developed commercial area with high concentrations of impervious drainage. The calculated total pounds (per year) of Total Phosphorus (TP) reduced from stormwater as a result of this project is 18.56 pounds TP per year.

The total estimated project cost is $606,396 ($303,198 grant award from VA DEQ and $303,198 city funds).



  • November 2015 - Design begins
  • January 2016 - Design completed
  • Early 2017 - Construction begins
  • Late 2017 - Project completed



Regenerative stormwater conveyance (RSC) is an innovative approach to provide stormwater treatment, infiltration and conveyance within one system. RSC combines stormwater management with wetland and stream restoration. RSC uses carbon-rich, sand-bedded channels, wide parabolic grade control weirs, shallow pools, and native vegetation to collect and convey stormwater runoff.


Typical Profile of RSC through Riffle/Pool Combination 

Schematic Profile for Regenerative Stormwater Conveyance System (Source: Anne Arundel County, 2011)

Learn more about RSCs here:



This area drains into Sieberts Creek, a tributary of Blacks Run. Blacks Run was initially placed on Virginia's 303(d) list of impaired waters in 1996 for violations of the fecal coliform bacteria standard and the General Standard for aquatic life. The aquatic life TMDL identified sediment as the primary stressor of Blacks Run. Blacks Run ultimately drains into the Chesapeake Bay watershed which is impaired for too much nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment. Additionally, severe and active erosion along the stream banks contributes to downstream siltation.

This project will be included in the City's Local TMDL Action Plan and Chesapeake Bay TMDL Action Plan (required by the City's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit) and will help the City meet its pollution reduction requirements.

Learn more: City's Stormwater Management Programs.